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My Cypripedium Site

I am a man living in the eastern part of Norway. My great hobby are gardening. In my garden I grow a wide range of plants but I prefer the hardy orchids and alpine plants. I also grow Arisaemas and Hepaticas.

Since the plants grow (but not my garden) I sometimes have plants for sale. I have also started to propagate CYPRIPEDIUMS from seed, and hope to manage to offer seedplants quite soon.


I find it necessary to write some lines about the climate in my aerea. This is important background information as you read about my cultivating techniques.

The spring starts in April/May and is very unstabil. Often freezing during the night, and a lot of life-giving hot sun during the day. As you know, very harmful to many plants.

In June the weather becomes more stabil. There is no longer any chance for freezing. It`s summer. But you never know if it`s going to rain a lot or maybe dry out during the summer. Of course, some years it`s just perfect. The temperature can reach 30 C during the day and sometimes we have tropical nights ( 20 C ). About 15-18 C during the night are more common. The humidity depend on the weather, but on an average of 50-60 %.

The autumn begins in September. The days and nights become more chilly. The rain and wind occure more rapidly.

During October/November the nightfrost appear again, and when we leave november it`s winter in Norway. I know for certain that the temperature will fall.....and fall. And when we reach January, the coldest month, there has been registrated -41 C, but - 25 C is normal. The keyword this time of year is SNOW. If you have black frost for a longer period at this temperature, you have a big problem, and it happens. Especially the last years have been a problem. Usually we have a thick layer of snow from December to March/April, when the spring melting starts.


The temperature can range from -41 C to 30 C during a year. Black frost occure almost every year. A long and rainy autumn. Usually a isolating layer of snow. Unreliable rain during summer.

This is some of the conditions that make the basis in MY cultivation of Cypripediums. You`ll always have to compare with your climate before you adopt any techniques from me or other sources, i.e. books


I have a few plants for sale. Just click the image if you are interested !

To visit my other site


just click the image of Cypripedium phalangshanense.